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Hello Everyone!

Spring is almost here – let’s all enjoy watching the Master’s to tide us over in anticipation for getting outdoors and then start to think about getting outside otherwise we might just drive ourselves crazy.

I think we could all do ourselves a favor this year by trying to focus on our short game and wedge games to start out the season. By focusing on our wedge game we tend to swing within ourselves and that focus stays more on striking the ball solid and purely as opposed to over-swinging the club to make the ball go far. If you can first get into a smooth rhythm and swing the wedges well that can easily transfer to your longer clubs and hopefully maintain that same rhythm. Just spend some time with the wedges and short irons first!

The first Saturday that we have the range open, I will be out there from 10:00am-2:00pm giving free 10-minute lessons but only with a wedge or 9-iron. I’m excited to help you get your season started out with some rhythm!

Reminder for parents and grandparents to look into our Junior Programs. Look online or call the golf shop if you have questions about our golf programs.

Get a hold of me if you want to get started out right this season!



Chris Peterson, PGA

Dellwood Country Club

Director of Instruction

