Tip of The Month

Golfers often don’t realize that they hold a massive amount of instinctive intelligence. They usually interrupt this with their own adult and analytical ways of learning things; breaking down their swing into a million pieces and trying to build it back up again.
What I have found is that there is a massive amount of free technique in intention. What do I mean by this? If I were to ask you to change your intention of how you hit the ball, I can often make 10 changes in your technique… without you even thinking about it.
During my years of teaching, I was lucky enough to come across a very effective drill and I want to share it with you. Hold a club chest high and flip it so it looks like an axe. Then, imagine there is a big nail in front of you. Without thinking about how to do it, swing back and strike the imaginary nail. Repeat this move a few times being as instinctive as possible

I have seen incredible swing changes with students in the space of one swing, simply by working with this intention. And the best part is you are not thinking about swing changes; the movement is responding to the intention, just like movement is supposed to work in nature.
This drill will help you with:

Swing plane and club face control
Ball striking quality
Wrist movement
Proper pivot and weight shift

Swing sequencing
This drill may not be a perfect representation of what goes on in the swings of elite golfers, but it gets pretty close. And it can make years of hard work on your swing fall into place instantly.
The No. 1 goal of every golfer is to achieve consistency on the course, and this drill will help you get on that path. Not only does it influence mechanical consistency (I have never seen someone take the axe back wildly off-plane) it allows a player to play and learn with one singular thought that can stay the same from day to day. Try it and watch your game improve!

–Clayton Johnson