The Women’s golf season is just about to end. Overall we had a great season. Our Women’s 9 Hole Tuesday night golf was very successful. Participation was up and fun was had by all. We did have a few rain outs but on those nights many ladies still showed up and had dinner and drinks.
Our Women’s Club Championship was won by Olivia Herrick with Justine Hawkinson winning the Net Championship. Next year we would like to see more participation, so we can have Flight winners also.
The Ladies Thursday morning 18 Hole has concluded for the year. Tee times will still be available for women to sign up but no pre-planned games will be played.
The Women’s Derby concluded on a beautiful September evening. Nine ladies teed off down hole number one with 8 balls landing in the fairway. It was quite impressive to see all these wonderful women lining up their next shot. In the end, it came down to Reggie Groves and Mickey Gahlon still in the hunt. Because we did not have 10 women to start, the pros decided that the last 2 holes would be decided on a cumulative low net total on holes 8 and 9. Reggie Groves was victorious. Congrats to you Reggie.
The last event of the year will be the Women’s Halloween Glow Ball on October 29. We play 5 very short holes in full costume with glow sticks and flashlights to light the way. It is a crazy event but worth every minute. Let’s hope for a warm October night with lots of participation. I hope all women who participated in our Women’s events this season had a great time and plan on participating in more events next year.